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Common blood pressure drug may increase cardiac arrest risk

A preliminary study concludes that a drug that doctors commonly prescribe to treat angina and blood pressure might increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest. A recent study looked at the risk factors behind cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops pumping blood around the body. If a person does not receive treatment, cardiac arrest can be lethal within minutes. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), in the United States, around  475,000 people  die from cardiac arrest each year. It claims more lives than  colorectal cancer ,  breast cancer ,  prostate cancer ,  pneumonia ,  influenza , vehicle accidents, firearms,  HIV , and house fires combined. The  AHA  describe cardiac arrest "as one of the most lethal public health problems in the U.S." So, because cardiac arrest is both serious and common, understanding the risk factors involved is essential. To this end, the European Resuscitation Council set up a project that collects data

8 Ways to Stay Lean – All Year Round SPONSORED BY MUSCLE AND STRENGHT

Missing your summer body? Make that lean physique a year-round staple with these tips to stay shredded for the long term. During the seasons of chilly and cool days, the desire to hide beneath sweaters and jackets becomes irresistible. But it doesn't have to be all or nothing— you can keep shredded  even when the sun goes down during the colder months. Win the war on winter by following these simple tips to help keep the pounds off as the months pass by. 1. Ditch The Excuses People use bad weather as an excuse to go soft both on their workouts and bodies. But, as we say in the military, "Rain won't hurt you, but bullets will!" Don't let a little slush stand in your way. Go to the gym and make yourself bulletproof, no matter what is falling from the sky. Also, make the clear distinction between exhausted and lazy. When I don't feel motivated, I ask myself if I'm legitimately tired or if I'm just being

5 Fast High Protein Breakfast Options For Muscle Gains SPONSORED BY MUSCLE AND STRENGHT

Do you bang your head against the wall trying to figure out the best ways to squeeze in a muscle-building friendly breakfast without having a significant amount of time? It’s tough to find ways to  support recovery  from your brutal workouts with little-to-no time on the mornings for lengthy prepping, cooking and cleaning. Crappy, so called convenience health foods have flooded the market promising you endless energy and high amounts of protein. In reality, these foods rarely provide a protein count in the double digits and leave you feeling hungry. If you aren’t careful you’ll find yourself hitting the vending machine or choosing other unhealthy options which will wreak havoc on your physique. Below are 5 fast high protein breakfast options to help you  build muscle , feel fuller, longer and are easy to prep, eat and enjoy. 1. Greek yogurt combo Protein: 48g, Carbs: 40g, Fats: 2g, Calories: 390 As Greek yogurt only increases in popularity due to its high  protein  cont